SMART Objectives make you successful
You have a goal of what you want to achieve. You’ve broken this down into milestones along that journey. You then set Objectives, which are the things you need to do to reach each milestone to work towards the goal.
To be successful these objectives need to be SMART.
SMART objectives are
- S – Specific
- M – Measurable
- A – Achievable
- R – Relevant
- T – Time bound

Specific is bringing more clarity, focusing and targeting on precisely what you want to achieve. To help specify use the 5W’s: What? Why? Who? Where? Which?

Measurable is making the objectives quantifiable and measurable measurable against a define criteria. To make them measurable, ask yourself:
- How many?
- How much?
- What will it look like?
- How will I know?

These allow you to set success criteria, allowing you to track progress, and know when you’ve achieved it. Such as “Achieve 70% reduction in product defects”.
Achievable is making sure you can achieve the objective. Do you have the resources needed? Is it realistic and attainable?
Objectives challenge you to achievable them but too difficult can demotivate you. A key check is ensuring you have the power to control the outcome, is this in your “circle of control”. For example a job promotion can depend on external factors which you have no control.

Relevant is about making sure the objectives are important to you, so you are motivated. If you don’t engaged with the objective, you won’t reach the goal. It’s Important to check your goals and objectives align and both are in the same direction. Otherwise, you could be going in circles.

Time bound
Time bound means you set a date for this to be achieved focusing on a deadline. This enables you to review and track progress.

Now you know how to make objectives Smart, next is planning your objectives.
Next…Planning your Objectives
This part 3 of our 4 part “Goal Achievement” programme. Checkout parts 1 through 4 here:
- Easy Goal setting to conquer your mountains
- Setting Objectives: The best way to achieve goals
- Smart objectives make you Successful
- The best way to plan SMART objectives

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